Home / What's on / Programmes Programmes Local History Week & Heritage Month 1 March - 30 March Local History Week & Heritage Month Nau mai, haere mai! Heritage Month is on again in March this year! Take part in a plethora of… Aotearoa Heritage and History Aotearoa Heritage and History Explore the past and how it informs who we are as a nation today. Photo: ANZAC Day dawn ceremony –… Pre-school Pre-school Palmerston North City Library provides a wide range of regular activities for pre-school aged… Youth Activities for 13-19 year olds. Local History Week & Heritage Month Off the Page Off the Page writers series features some of New Zealand’s best writers and includes talks,… Writers and Readers Writers and Readers We bring writers, scientists, economists, poets and academics together with audiences to explore… Children Digital Activities and Services The City Library provides a range of Digital activities and Services throughout the year across all… School Holidays School Holidays Heaps of holiday fun at Palmerston North City Libraries these April School Holidays to ignite and… Children Children Fantastic, fun activities with a bit of literacy and learning snuck in as well. Book Groups Book Groups Do you enjoy reading and exploring new genres and different authors? Would you like to meet… Writers & Readers Winter Series Writers & Readers Winter Series The series is a celebration of writers, readers, ideas and all things literature. If you enjoy…