Mobile Library
The Mobile Library has been on the road since 1967. That's 50 years of books and the love of reading delivered around the city to families, children, schools, and seniors.
The Mobile Library visits 33 city stops on a weekly basis and makes almost 200 school and preschool visits each year. We love to keep in touch with all of our regulars, young, old, and everyone in between. The bus carries 7000 items that are turned over regularly. We try to carry items such as, books, DVDs, audio stories and magazines that we know are popular.
If you see our steam-punk designed bus on the streets, call in for a look or even just a chat.
Please note: The Mobile Library does not operate on public holidays.
Map Key:
- Monday - Fortnightly to rest homes
- Tuesday Locations
- Wednesday Locations
- Thursday Locations
- Friday Locations

Clifton Terrace by Hillgrove Place
Tuesday 1.15-1.45 -
Church Street near Stonehaven Crescent
Tuesday 2.00-2.20 -
Kindy Visits
Tuesday 2.30-2.50 -
Russell Street near Elm Tree Court
Tuesday 3.00-3.30 -
Bunnythorpe by Family Church Hall
Tuesday 3.45-4.40 -
Roy Street corner with Featherston Street
Wednesday 1.10-1.40 -
Heretaunga Street by Papaioea Place
Wednesday 1.45-2.15 -
Ruahine Street by Winchester School
Wednesday 2.30-3.30 -
Andrews Ave by corner of Rangiora Ave
Wednesday 3.40-4.00 -
Balrickard Way by Cong Avenue
Wednesday 4.15-4.45 -
Edwards Place by Kopeka Court
Thursday 1.10-1.30 -
Julia Wallace Retirement Village
Thursday 1.40-2.00 -
Kindy Visits
Thursday 2.15-2.45 -
Brooklyn Heights by MiLife Village
Thursday 3.00-3.30 -
Parnell Heights by Parnell Heights Reserve
Thursday 3.45-4.10 -
Schnell Drive by Celaeno Playground
Thursday 4.15-4.45 -
He Ara Kotahi Bridge by Dittmer Reserve
Friday 1.15-2.15 -
Ascot Street by shops
Friday 2.30-3.00 -
Albert Street - Hokowhitu Domain near Hokowhitu School
Friday 3.15-3.45 -
Waterloo Crescent by Erin Reserve
Friday 4.00-4.45