When the military took over local schools, the whole city became the children’s classroom. Organising themselves in small teams, children walked or biked around Palmerston North, learning about the place they lived and taking an active role in the community. Local teachers and visiting experts together tried out ways of teaching which promoted hands-on making and doing, creative self-expression, and community service. Join Dr Frances Kelly, Associate Professor Kirsten Locke, Dr Molly Mullen, Carolina Pena Espitia (Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland), and Dr Viv Aitken (Palmerston North), to try out some of the activities the children experienced in 1942, including hands-on arts and crafts using materials available at the time. Supported by the University of Auckland Research Development Fund. See also the 1942 education experiment talk.
Two sessions of three hour duration: 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.00-4.00pm
Limited numbers. To register, heritage@pncc.govt.nz
Photo: 'Boy meets puppet' clipping from The Education Gazette 1 April, 1942, supplied by presenter.