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How is the City Library Use Value calculated?

The City Library Use Value Calculator can help you see how much value you get out of using the City Library.

Here's how we generated the figures in the calculator:

  • Books
    • This is the average price The City Library pays for a physical book. This is often cheaper than most people can get themselves because of bulk purchasing and discounts.
  • Audiobooks
    • This is the average price The City Library pays for a physical CD audiobook. Libraries have access to Audiobook content not commercially available to the public.
  • eBooks & eAudiobooks
    • This is the average price The City Library pays for an eBook or eAudiobook. This is sometimes more expensive than what people can buy individually due to multi-user publishing rights, but library copies cost less by cost per use than the copies individuals can buy.
  • Magazines or Newspapers
    • This is the average price of a daily newspaper or monthly magazine for an individual.
  • DVDs
    • This is the average price The City Library pays for a DVD. This is often cheaper than most people can get themselves because of bulk purchasing and discounts.
  • CDs
    • This is the average price The City Library pays for a CD. This is often cheaper than most people can get themselves because of bulk purchasing and discounts.
  • Meeting rooms
    • Estimate of the hirage for a room with similar equipment.
  • Programmes
    • Average price of a New Zealand movie or sports ticket.
  • Computers
    • Average cost of internet for an hour.
  • Reference Question
    • Average cost of commercial reference or research help.
  • Digital Help
    • Average cost of commercial computer help per hour.
  • Blueprint Equipment
    • Average cost of using equipment for commercial purposes.

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