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City Library Use Value Calculator

What is your library worth to you?

This handy calculator shows the value of your regular library use.

  • Enter in the left-hand column the number of times per month you or your family use each service.
  • The estimated value of each service (if purchased) will be calculated on the right.
  • Total value of your library use is shown at the bottom.
  • Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
Input Your
Library Services Value of

What is your City Library value?

We'd love to hear what value you arrived at and what it means to you. If you'd like to share, please let us know via the form below.

Please provide an email so we can contact you if we have any questions.
What was the number you got from the Library Usage Calculator?
If you want to, add a screenshot so we can see how you got your number.
We use this information to help showcase the power of libraries and the creative awesomeness of our community. Your story may be shared on the City Library website, social media and other print and digital channels. Choose whether you grant:
Please let us know if you have any other comments.

Where did these numbers come from?

We borrowed the 'value of library service' idea from Denver Public Library and Maine State Library's Library Use Value Calculator. For more information, see their explanation. We developed our own figures based on the New Zealand context. View more information on how these figures were calculated.

Other libraries: feel free to link to this calculator, or use it yourself with acknowledgement as we did.


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