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If you want to see your name in print, submit some writing to the Versions project!

The Library is running Versions again this year. We’ve put out three photos from Manawatū Heritage as prompts. Simply pick one and write something based on it. It can be a short story, a poem, a play, heck we’d accept a song if you feel like writing one! Then we publish the submissions in both physical and digital format.

This is NOT a competition. We publish ALL submissions! (Everyone’s a winner!)

If you’ve never had work in print before, it’s a real buzz.

If you want help with your writing, get in touch. We just want to encourage people to create.

Get your submission in by September 30th, 2021.

For details, head to the Versions Facebook page, or contact PalmyVersions@gmail.com.

Check the Versions Facebook Page

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