Local Author Resources

Versions covers 1 to 5

Write something for the Versions writing project

The City Library’s Versions writing project happens every year. If you are, or want to be, a published kaituhi (writer), this is for you.

Versions gives everyone the opportunity to see their work in print. Use the prompt to get started with writing a story, poem or play, or write a piece of music or create some visual art. The idea is to explore your creativity.

The 2025 prompt is “kāinga/home”. Make of that what you will. You can use it extensively, or as a jumping off point, or go your own way completely.

This year there might even be the option of reading your submission on the radio, thanks to the good people at Manawatū People's Radio! Details to come.

How to format your submission:

  • - As a Word .doc or .docx file
  • - Name and contact details at the top of the manuscript.
  • - Double spacing, with paragraphs indented and no space between paragraphs.
  • - Italics as Italics and bold as bold.

See here for a good formal overview: https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/

When submitting, please include a brief biography of around 50 words. Please use the form below.

Just one submission per person, please. Versions continues to grow each year, so we need to make sure there's room for everyone.

Pieces generated by artificial intelligence will not be accepted. This project is all about stimulating your creativity.

Submissions open on the 1st of March 2025, and the deadline is 31st of July 2025. We’ll publish a physical book as well as an ebook in October.

If you have questions, email content@pncc.govt.nz.

Let your creative muse soar!

Versions Tuaono submission form

This can be different from the name on your submission
Please supply a brief bio of up to 50 words
Please make sure you have supplied your work in the correct format


Hello writers! Here are all our best tips and resources for you.*

On this page you'll find:

- helpful resources to improve your craft

- suggestions on how to get your book in the City Library (and other public libraries)

- writer's groups and sessions you can join for support

- The submission form for Versions, the Library's annual writing project


*This page is a work in progress - check back regularly as we will continue to add to it!

Interesting/Useful links

Do you have a question that isn't answered on this page?

Please get in touch and we'll do our best to help!

Email content@pncc.govt.nz.


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