Waka Tīwai

Pen drawing of a waka (canoe) with six rowers standing at the front and one rower standing at the back. One man with a top hat is reclining, reading a book in between the sets of rowers.

What do we know about the use of waka on the Manawatū Awa in the 19th century? Join Warren Warbrick (Rangitāne ki Manawatū) for an illustrated talk. He will include an outline of the 1842 journey of Wellington surveyor Charles Kettle and share why his diaries can tell us unexpected details about life in the Manawatū Awa.

Image: "This is a canoe with one of us." Selwyn, George Augustus (Bishop), 1809-1878 : Letter book of Bishop Selwyn. Ref: qMS-1774-145. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22870467


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